It is very important that we work to improve conditions in local communities within Tanzania. So this year as well as our continued support of the Paradiso Orphanage, we created the Majestic Kilimanjaro Scholarship Program, Yeah! This program enables selected porters to attend three (3) month English language courses, driving school, wilderness first aid training, nine (9) month guiding school, hospitality school or mechanics training. We also provide a monthly stipend/allowance so these men can continue to look after their families during the training. Further education of this nature is well out of the reach of most porters. A nine month guide or hospitality course costs between 500,000 to 800,000 Tanzania Schillings (TSch) a day, and yet porters earn from 11,000 to 15,000 TSch a day. Apart from the cost of the courses, there is also the challenge of continuing to support their families while studying instead of working. Our scholarship fund, which has been formed from profits from the climbs and safaris we conduct through Majestic Kilimanjaro, looks after all that so that the recipients can just focus on their studies. Scholarship Program Launch Today we were very excited to launch the program with Porters - James Kahumba, Christian Lomnyaki, Amani Ernest and Silvano Clemence (who has been working with us as a cook for the last two years), starting their three months English course at the YMCA Vocational Training Centre. This will be followed by a one month driving course. These 4 men will attend class every day for 45mins and then be expected to complete homework. English language skills and a drivers license will allow these men to take up opportunities that weren't open to them before. On their successful completion they will be able to choose whether to attend either a nine months guide, hospitality or mechanics training. Here they are on their first day - class started at 7.30am so it was bright and early! We are very excited and wish James, Christian, Amani and Silvano every success!
Majestic Kilimanjaro and friend of the Paradiso Orphanage, Ruth Sisk from Ireland, had the pleasure this month of sponsoring the 24 children from the orphanage on a one day safari to Lake Manyara! Lake Manyara is a small park ideal for a day trip and kids were happy to spot some of the park highlight like baboons, impalas, zebras, wildebeest, giraffe, elephants, water birds, ostrich and other birds. It was a good day Big smiles all round for their lunch boxes! Thumbs up for a great day!
On December 9 2013, three friends Sheetal, Gayathri & Nikhil arrived in Arusha, Tanzania to start their Kilimanjaro adventure! Day 1 - The Climb BeginsTheir 7 day Machame Route climb started at the Machame Gate. The weather was good and all were happy. Day 2Sheetal, Gayathri and Nikhil were doing well this morning and on the way to Shira cave today. It was raining but all was good so far! Day 3Today the group headed to Baranco Camp via the Lava Tower. They were doing fine despite of the rain they had been getting everyday. DAY 4In the morning of Day 4, Sheetal, Gayathri and Nikhil scaled and scrambled up Baranco Wall. They then made their way to Barafu instead of Karanga camp. Since the group was taking a slow pace Lead Guide Tumaini and the group decided that they would do day time summit the next morning. Day 5 - Summit Day - They Did It!Sheetal, Gayathri & Nikhil started making their way to the summit at 05:50. Though tired, all three climbers kept walking - pole, pole - slowly, slowly as the guides always say. It snowed for them - in Africa! There is nothing like a rest and a warm cup of tea to keep you going! Despite the rain they had every day and snow, Sheetal and Nikhil summited to the Roof of Africa! It took 9 hrs of determination to make it to the top. Gaya had to turn back just before Stella Point - it takes courage to get this far and wisdom to listen to your guide, and your body, and turn back if necessary. Everyone is doing well and will spend the next two days trekking back. Congratulations to Sheetal, Nikhil and Gaya, you can all be very proud of your achievement! Welcome to the select group of people who have been brave enough to go on this journey. Post your comment to Congratulate Sheetal, Nikhil and Gayathri and we'll ensure they see them
We use profits from our Majestic Kilimanjaro business to provide support to New Paradiso Orphanage. Clients who choose to use our services know that their money is staying in Tanzania and is being put to good use. In September our Managing Director, Tumaini Sandi, suggested we purchase supplies such as 50 kg of Rice, 10 litres of Cooking oil, 120 Eggs, 10 kg of Sugar, tea bags, washing powder, soap for shower, tooth paste etc to help out the household. He then went shopping in Arusha town to purchase everything. The beautiful children (most of whom lost their parents due to HIV/ AIDS) with carers Babu and Bibi are shown here happily receiving our gift. As you can see the eggs are taking pride of place. Their honest sweet smiles can not be compared to anything else in life.
Posted by Tumaini Sandi, Managing Director and lead Guide:
We have now arrived to the Peak of Kilimanjaro 5,895m.
A huge congratulations to Linh and Gareth for successfully summiting Kilimanjaro. A big thank you to Tumaini and our entire team for safely leading the expedition! Send your message of congratulations and we will ensure they receive them. Day 7 Return to ArushaLinh & Gareth successfully completed their climb on 21st September 2013 and returned to their accommodation in Arusha.
Their adventure will continue with their Safari led again by Tumaini Sandi. Thank you Linh & Gareth for choosing Majestic Kilimanjaro to lead you on this once in a lifetime adventure - we hope it has been a trip you will always remember. Both climbers are continuing well with the climb. It's 11:30am and they are at Karanga Camp for now. A message from Linh & Gareth to family & friends: "We are having a great time, and thanks every one for the messages keep them coming" Keep your messages coming and we will forward them to Linh & Gareth.
Linh & Gareth are on day four of their climb heading to Baranco Camp. Both climbers are feeling good despite being a little bit tired.
Leave a message for Linh & Gareth in the comments and we will make sure they receive it. Day 2It was a very hot and dusty climb but all was good as Linh and Gareth made their way to Shira 1 camp at 3,500m for their overnight stay. Day 3Linh & Gareth arrived safely at Shira 2 camp. Both climbers are doing well and enjoying the trek. Write your messages of support and encouragement in the comments and we will forward them to Linh & Gareth.
Linh & Gareth, packed, ready and excited, left their accommodation in Arusha this morning and set off with the Majestic Kilimanjaro team of 12 staff (1 Lead Guide, 1 Assistant Guide, 1 Cook and 9 Porters) in our bus for the Lemosho Route starting gate.
Send them a message in the comments and we will forward it to them via Tumaini our lead guide. Linh & Gareth arrived safely into Arusha and were met by Tumaini Sandi, Managing Director of Majestic Kilimanjaro.
They have had their briefing meeting and are all ready to start their climb tomorrow - 15th September. Congratulations to both Julie & Paul who summited to the top of Africa, Aruhu Peak Kilimanjaro, this morning at 6.02am having left camp at Midnight (Tanzania time). It was a cold windy night! They are now descending back to Barafu for lunch before proceeding down to the lower camp. Send your messages of congratulations and we will make sure they receive them. Julie & Paul returned safely to their hotel and are now on Safari with their guide Benno.
Congratulations again to you both and thank you for choosing Majestic Kilimanjaro to lead you on this fantastic adventure! Julie, Paul & the team are at Barufu camp and every one is happy. Paul and Tumaini hiked this morning to 4,976 meters for acclimatization. Julie decided to take a rest at the camp. They are having nice weather again today!
Later tonight they will be setting off for the summit. They will have an early dinner, go to bed for some rest and then rise at 11.30pm and start their summit trek at approximately midnight. It's an exciting night for them all, please send your messages of encouragement via the comments and we will make sure they receive them. Julie, Paul and the team started their 5th day's trekking at 08:20am from Barranco Camp are heading to Barafu Camp. They are doing very well and the weather is brilliant too. Show your support and send Julie & Paul a message via the comments and we will forward it to them.
8th September, 2013 It's 11:30am and Julie & Paul are now at Lava Tower (4,640 metres). They are both doing very well. They will have lunch here before proceeding to Barranco camp where they will spend the night at 3,940 metres. They are experiencing nice weather although it's slightly windy. Write a message and we will send it to Julie and Paul. Julie & Paul had another great climb to Moir camp and then did a 200meters acclimatization walk up and then back down to the camp. They are both happy and enjoying the classic view... Write a message for Julie and Paul and we'll make sure they receive it. Arrival: Julie & Paul arrived in Arusha Tanzania on 4th September 2013 from the United States of America. They will be climbing Mount Kilimanjaro via the 8 day Lemosho Route. Day 15th September 2013: Paul & Julie ready to leave their hotel to start their climb. It was a nice day in Arusha as Julie, Paul, Tumaini (Managing Director & Head Guide) and the team of 11 staff (Assistant Guide, Cook, & 9 Porters) left on the bus for the Lemosho trail. Day 2Another day of great weather on Kilimanjaro as Julie, Paul and the team hike from Forest Camp to Shira 1. Both Paul & Julie are doing well and enjoying the climb. Write a comment/message for Julie & Paul and we will forward it to them daily!
Please share the news with your friends. Our search for a climb company began in early 2013 when we decided to tackle Kili. We started with our favourite travel agent but turned back to the internet when her wholesalers were unable to cater to our preferences for route and number of days or guarantee small group numbers. Armed with a check list we found Majestic Kilimanjaro. The daunting task of booking it ourselves was made easy being able to talk to the Australian partners who answered all our questions. And when it came time to liaise with Tumaini for the finer details via email we found it just as easy despite being on the other side of the Indian Ocean. From the moment Tumaini picked us up at ‘Jaro International Airport we knew we had made the right choice. When each of us came down with altitude sickness we trusted his experience and were thankful for his cool, calm manner. Knowing that we were really battling he amended our eight-day trek, abandoning the northern circuit for the more direct route, giving us the best possible chance of reaching the summit without sacrificing necessary acclimatisation. For the final summit he led us out of camp at 4am rather than midnight to avoid the worst of the cold night air. The only forfeit was not being at the summit for sunrise but more importantly we made it to the Uhuru Peak, coaxed to the sweet end despite fatigue and exhaustion! If we had attempted this with a big group and large operator we would most likely have failed. Despite our attention to training it was our preparation and, most importantly, the choice of Majestic Kilimanjaro that ensured our success. Tumaini was also an excellent guide on our three-day safari proving very knowledgeable and passionate about his country. As a bonus we not only got an awesome holiday we felt like our money was going to the right people, staying in Tanzania.
Date: 28/1/13 Posted By Tumaini Sandi, Lead Guide 12:00pm local time "Una and Trish have completed their climb and they are now enjoying the shower at the hotel. It was a great hike down the mountain." Congratulations Trish & Una and thank you for choosing Majestic Kilimanjaro to lead you on this adventure!
Date: 27/1/2013 Posted by Tumaini Sandi, Lead Guide 11:00am local time "This morning we went to 4900m, for acclimatization and now we are back at the camp. Both climbers are experiencing some headache and we expect to leave for the summit later tonight if their progress improves. It's a nice weather here with the blue sky." 1pm local time "Due to the fact that Trish's condition is not improving, we have decided to descend down to the lower camp - Trish is experiencing a severe headache which is not getting better. It's now 01:00pm and we are going down slowly. Although Una is good to go to the summit, she has decided to go down as well. Safety is our number one priority. It does not matter how many mountains you have climbed, sometimes the mountain will just say no and you have to respect that" 6.30pm local time " We are now at Mandara Hut (2700m) and Trish is now getting better. We will be spending a night here." We will update you on Trish & Una's progress as soon as we receive the next report.
Date: 26/1/2013
Posted by Tumaini Sandi, Lead Guide 4.28pm local time "We are now at the base camp and we will not summit tonight but on the 5th night (27/1/13) which will give us another day to acclimatise. Trish is a bit better, and I will keep monitoring her. Una is doing well although she has mild headache which is normal at this altitude." Write your messages of encouragement in the comments and we will forward them |
March 2015